6 Habits You Should Adopt To Protect Yourself Against The Sun

We all know sunburns are painful. It’s equivalent to burning yourself with a hot appliance or fire. Unfortunately frequent sunburns can also increase your risk of developing skin cancer and can speed up the aging process. We can’t be too careful with the sun's rays if you want to protect your beloved skin. The organ that presents itself to the world and is your first line of defense against invading pathogens.

Apply Before You Leave the House

Best practices for using sunscreen is to apply every day and make it part of your skin care routine. If you’re diligent about applying SPF on your face, neck, and chest but only apply on the rest of your body when you’re going to be outdoors for a long time, make sure you apply before walking out the door. Your skin needs time to absorb the product for better protection.

Do a Mental Body Scan

Don’t just cover the larger areas of your skin. Think of UV rays like water. They will find every nook and cranny of your body that isn’t covered by clothing. Make sure to remember areas like tops of feet, ears, and gluteal folds (where your buttocks meet the top of your leg).

Enlist Some Help

If you have trouble reaching a spot, ask someone for help with applying sunscreen on your back or other places you can't reach well. You are not an octopus. Live alone? This is your chance to talk to that hot neighbor you've been wanting to chat with, or make some new friends at the beach. If that’s not how you roll maybe you’ll roll some SPF on your back with an applicator like this one.

Apply Under Your Clothes or Bathing Suit

If you want to be safe and not risk a surprise burn at the end of the day, it’s best to apply everywhere, even underneath your clothes.

Invest in Clothing with SPF

If you spend a lot of time outdoors in the warmer months, it might be a good idea to invest in clothes with SPF. That doesn’t mean you should skimp on SPF cream though. This is just an extra layer of protection. UVSkinz has a wide selection of sunwear for men, women and children.

Think Zinc

The most important thing you need to know is to use an SPF that is mineral based. Look for ingredients like Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide. Chemical sunscreens have harmful ingredients that need to be absorbed by your skin in order to protect you from UV rays. This can cause more aging and skin damage in the long term. Mineral sunscreens, however, sit on top of your skin and provide an extra barrier that reflects the UV rays so that they never get absorbed into your body. Sure, mineral sunscreens can be inconvenient and leave a white residue on your skin but there are a lot of mineral sunscreens on the market that do a much better job of not making you look pasty. Rooted Queen Sunscreen is a great sunscreen that provides protection and doesn’t leave you looking like Queen Elizabeth I.

Nichelle Mosley